- Delivery of BPHS under Sehatmandi Project in Baghlan Province:
Bakhtar Development Network has been responsible for providing Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) in Baghlan province since 2005 under different contracts with the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) such as Rural Expansion of Afghanistan’s Community-based Healthcare (REACH), Performance-Based Partnership Grant (PPG), Partnership Contract for Health (PCH), SEHAT-II and Sehatmandi till end of 2018. In December 2018, after a competing bidding process, MoPH awarded BDN a new contract under Sehatmandi project to deliver the BPHS up to June 2021. Then UNDP/GF provided technical and financial support to BPHS implementers, The contract duration is one months, started on Oct 01, 2021 and it was completed on Oct 31, 2021.futher more, from Nov -2021 until Jan 2022 WHO will be provided support to BPHS implementers for three months.
The services are provided for around 1,024,353 people in 15 districts of Baghlan province through two District Hospitals (DH), one Advanced Comprehensive Health Center (CHC+), 16 Comprehensive Health Centers (CHC), 20 Basic Health Centers (BHC), 40 Preliminary Health Centers (PHC), one Prison Health Center (PHC) and 730 Health Post (HP). Bakhtar Development Network has 80 community-based health councils at health-center level and 730 councils at health-post level.
- Community-Based Malaria Control Program through Global Fund New Funding Model: In 2016, BDN started community-based Malaria control program in Balkh and Baghlan provinces with the support of UNDP to further contribute to reduction in malaria-related mortality and morbidity. The program focuses on increasing public awareness about malaria, improving diagnosis of confirmed malaria cases in the community and in the health facilities with no laboratory facility, and effective treatment of malaria. The health posts and health centers with no laboratory facility are provided with Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) and required trainings to screen the suspect malaria cases and to treat confirmed cases. The main purpose of this program is implementation of malaria and delivery of malaria services by Community health workers (CHWs).
- Community-Based Nutrition Program and Weekly Iron and Folic Acid supplementation through community (CBNP/WIFS): BDN started a community-based nutrition program in Baghlan and Balkh provinces in 2019 and 2018 respectively. The program aims to enhance the capacity of community health workers (CHWs) and Family Health Action Groups (FHAGs) to provide community-based nutrition services, to increase general nutrition knowledge, and to improve nutrition-related practices through education and counseling to the mothers, children caregivers, and family members on key nutrition practices and behavior. The program also strengthens the relationship and linkage between health centers and the community for early detection and management of malnourished cases. In Aug 2021 UNICEF aims to strength CBNP and provide financial support for CBNP and organize refresher training to CBNP involved health workers and initiate WIFS program through the community and provide IFA for girls aged 10-19 years on to conduct Iron and Folic Acid (IFA) distribution campaigns on quarterly basis, the program designed for one year as a pilot project, to cover 50% of Balkh province.