Performance Joint review Meeting of All BDN’s Projects Held on May 2017
BDN management team planned and conducted performance joint review meeting for BPHS SEHAT and supplementary Projects’ in Kabul Head Office on May 2017. The main objectives of the review were;
- To Monitor and Evaluate Project performance against output indicators and targets,
- To review and track progress of Project work plan implementation
- To review the progress of project ‘s action plan for addressing monitoring findings (GCMU, MoPH, PME )
- To track progress of pervious Joint review meeting action plans
- To review Progress of supplementary project in respected provinces,
- To monitor operation related challenges in implementation of project.
Project managers and technical managers from all projects (Balkh, Baghlan, Hirat, Ghazni, Diakundi and Sare Pul), Program Director, PME Director, technical and operation mangers participated in the review session.
One day review session for each project held in BDN’s Head office, project managers and technical managers of all project presented their own findings in pre-developed presentation template, indicators were analysis as per target and their trend evaluated with in two years (1394/1395-2015-16/17), meanwhile PME, Program and Operation units of BDN Head office shared their findings of project work plan, project core indicator and follow up action plan (GCMU, MoPH and PME ) as per the review made through existed data in their Units. Overall all SEHAT project were on track in term of Project Work Plan implementation status, almost with an average about 90% of activities carried out in all projects. The pending task of project work plan identified and tentative action and timeline set in tentative and practical follow up action plan. Project out put indicators were monitored and indicates that most indicators are above set target but some of indicators had lower achievement compare to target and their trend was declined, those indicators specified in related section of action plan for follow up and taking required steps. Key issue and challenges discussed and corrective measurement taken in related project’s Action plan as well.