- Delivery of BPHS under Health Emergency Response (HER) Project in Balkh Province:
Bakhter Development Network has been implementing BPHS for around 1,443,924 people in Balkh Province since 2014. The implementation of BPHS continued under HER project started in Feb 2023 and will be ended by 31 Mar 2025. The fund is from World Bank channeled through UNICEF and contracted with BDN. The services such as Maternal and Newborn Care, Child Health and Immunization, Public Nutrition, Communicable Disease Treatment and Control, Mental Health, Disability and Physical Rehabilitation Services, Regular Supply of Essential Drugs are provided in 15 districts through five District Hospitals (DH), Four Advanced Comprehensive Health Centers (CHC+), 11 Comprehensive Health Centers (CHC), 44 Basic Health Centers (BHC), 51 Preliminary Health Centers (PHC), one Prison Health Center (PHC) and 900 Health Posts (HP). Bakhter Development Network as a community-based organization has established 115 community-based health councils at the health-center level and 900 councils at the health-post level.
- Community-Based Malaria Control Program through Global Fund New Funding Model:
In 2016, BDN started a community-based Malaria control program in Balkh with the support of UNDP to further contribute to reduction in malaria-related mortality and morbidity. The program focuses on increasing public awareness about malaria, improving diagnosis of confirmed malaria cases in the community and in the health facilities with no laboratory facility, and effective treatment of malaria. The health posts and health centers with no laboratory facility are provided with Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) and required training to screen the suspect malaria cases and to treat confirmed cases. The project will be ended by 31 Dec 2023.
- Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP) in Balkh:
The project provides nutritional treatment to a total of 40,155 under-five children as well as 22,410 pregnant and lactating women with acute moderate malnutrition through the distribution of 1201.78 metric tons of food commodities. The project is financially supported by the WFP and implemented in 15 districts of Balkh via 115 health facilities. The projects started on 01 February 2023 and ended on 31 December 2023 with the possibility of extension till end of 2025.
- Community Based Nutrition Initiatives Program+ Maternal, Infant, Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN) Training (CBNP+MIYCN) in Samangan
The project is started at 20 March 2023 and will be end at 19 march 2024 donor of the project is UNICEF, through this project, CBNI and MIYCN training provides for 370 CHWs and 286 health workers in Samangan province. dedicated monetary incentive pays to CHWs ToR every month for 12 months, MNP and WIFS training conducts for CHSs and CHWs, Mother MUAC approach identify early signs of malnutrition using a simple-to-use Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) tape without going to a health facility or outpatient center, it empowers the mothers to screen the children under five for malnutrition and detect malnutrition cases.
CHSs and CHWs trained on the mother MUAC approach and then the CHWs will conduct the orientation to the targeted mothers/caregivers (including FHAG), two round MNP and WIFS comping conducts for target groups in Samangan province.
Another two months. MNP supplementation will prevent micronutrient deficiency, reduce iron deficiency anemia among the target group and enhance normal growth.
- Provision of essential life-saving health services to underserved populations in the northern region of Afghanistan (Sar-e-Pul, Balkh, Samangan, Faryab and Jawzjan provinces)
The project started on 01 May 2023 and will end on 29 Feb 2024 donor of the project is WHO, through this project,17 HFs were established (two basic health centres (BHCs) 12 sub-health centres (SHCs) and 3 MHTs to reduce morbidity and mortality. The main objectives of the project are to Improve access to integrated quality primary healthcare services and improve mental health services and nutrition status of the target population through psychosocial counseling, Growth Monitoring and Promotion (GMP), and Maternal, Infant and Young Child Feeding Nutrition (MIYCN) as well as a strengthened effective referral system for patients in need of advanced healthcare in hospitals through identifying the complicated cases by health care providers of newly established HFs and timely referral to higher level of services in underserved provinces of northern region in Afghanistan. direct target population of the project is 100,187.
- Assistance for Families and Indigent Afghans to Thrive (AFIAT) in Balkh Province
In June 2023, BDN was awarded a Seven-month contract to improve health outcomes and provide access to quality healthcare services, particularly for women of childbearing age and children under five years of age in rural and peri-urban parts of Balkh province to reduce morbidity and mortality. Donor of the project is MSH/USAID. The objective of the project is The objective of the project is to enhance the delivery of BPHS, EPHS, and value-added, high-impact interventions for MNCAH to improve the health status of populations in Afghanistan, with a focus on reducing MNCH mortality, reducing the incidence of communicable diseases, and improving child health and nutrition, the project will be completed on 31 December 2023.
- Provision of health and nutrition services in underserved communities of Kunduz province
BDN awarded the project through open competition, the project contract was signed Between BDN and AHF-UNOCHA on 14 September 2023 and will be completed by 13 March 2024, through this project,5 HF Sub health centers were established in four districts of Kunduz province. The main objective of the project is to safeguard people’s health, including women and adolescent girls, by ensuring the provision of high-quality healthcare services, preventing the spread of communicable diseases, and effectively managing outbreaks and other incidents that pose a threat to public health and Providing lifesaving nutrition services for the early detection and treatment of acute malnutrition in girls and boys under five years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women (PLW) affected by acute malnutrition.
- Expanding primary health care services in underserved/hard-to-reach areas including referral services, provision of medicines and medical supplies in Samangan province
BDN awarded the project through open competition, the project contract was signed Between BDN and AHF-UNOCHA on 19 October 2023 and will be completed by 18 April 2024, through this project,4 Sub health centers will have established in two districts of Samangan province. The main objectives of the project are expanding primary health care services in underserved areas of Samangan through establishing 4 Health Sub Centers, Providing medicines and medical supplies for the management of ARI, Clean delivery and newborn care, Strengthening disease surveillance system with a focus on pneumonia, measles, pertussis, COVID-19, and influenza-like illnesses and Conducting Health education and health promotion and mitigating measures for infections and other winter-related risk